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Monday 4 March 2013

Shorts Shorts Shorts

Hello there beauties :)

So as it is officially March and 'Spring' I decided to search for my favourite shorts. I love shorts so much and I wear them from spring - autumn, sometimes even in the winter but the point is I love shorts. I have so many of them and I think they can make a whole load of difference to an outfit. (especially to show off your lovely legs)

These are just 2 of my favourite shorts that I found in my collection. I also got quite a few messages on tumblr just people asking me where my shorts were from so I decided to share them here.

Maroon coloured shorts - New Look

Pale denim shorts - Primark


  1. I loev your maroon shorts, great post!

  2. Thanks so much, love your blog :)

  3. Super cute shorts! Love the maroon ones! :)

  4. welcome to the blogging world.
    be sure to add a google friend connect so people can follow, myself included.
    pop over and say hello, i'd love to hear from you,
    laura xx
